Where Do I Get The Activation Link For Activating My NBC Account

where do i get the activation link for activating my nbc account

Where do I get the activation link to activating my email account? I get several emails from one man and it is very confusing. He has sent me several emails from an activation link he found on Yahoo. He said he found this Yahoo email and went to his computer and opened up the file but found nothing. He then asked me what Yahoo did that they would give me this activation link? You can also know more about the activation on nbc.com activate

Why Would They Give You This Activation Link?

He told me that he had gotten it from Yahoo's Help feature. He asked me how did they get the activation link? He did not want to use any other search engine to find this help feature because he said that they (Yahoo) were not affiliated with Google and that they might be giving Yahoo email customers this link in error. So, he asked me where do I get the activation link to activating my email?

I asked him why he was getting the activation link in error and he told me that when he clicked on the Yahoo email address that he found the activation link and when he clicked on the link he got this error. He did not want to call Yahoo customer support but I did anyway and was able to explain to him what the problem was. He then asked me how do I get rid of the activation link? I did not know.

He said that since his email account was a Yahoo product he could activate his email account by going to the Yahoo help center. He also found a site that was telling people that they would be able to get an activation link to activate their email accounts. He found one site that was telling people that they would be able to go to a specific link to activate their email accounts and that this link would be a valid Yahoo activation link. He looked at the link and it did indeed work.

So, he thought that maybe Yahoo set it up that way so people would go to this Yahoo activation link and activate their accounts. After all, when you are looking for activation instructions you generally look for activation instructions in the email you received in the mail. And he found this site and he was wondering how he could activate his email and not get trapped with all these other activation instructions he was getting in the mail. He went to the Yahoo help center and explained what had happened and they sent him to another place where he could activate his account because they felt that he was not being clear about the issue. He was very happy that they made the change and he was happy too because he really wanted to be able to click on an activation link and be activated instantly.

What Do You Noticed On Activation Instructions?

He also noticed that the activation instructions were only applicable to new email accounts and he did not have an email on an existing account. So he called them back and asked them if there was a activation link he could use so that he could activate his email account but no one had ever sent him one. They told him no because they felt that he was not being clear about the problem. Then he sent them back a few messages explaining that he really wanted to be able to click on an activation link and get activated immediately. And they sent him one.

Well, the good news is that it worked. He clicked on the activation link and was activated immediately. He was even more happy when he found out that he could sign up for a lot of different services and he had an activation link to each of the services, because all his mail was sent to his auto-responder. The auto-responder also helped him set up a timer to set aside so he could do other things while his account was inactive. He has not looked at the email since that time because he just signed up for a lot of other things on Yahoo.

That's all he knows. But it definitely makes things much easier now. If you're wondering where do I get the activation link for activating my email address, you can go to the Yahoo help site or do a search on Google for activation link. Happy Activating!

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